Monday, October 12, 2009

Late, but here.

It's hard to tear Jason away from TSNC (the shiny new computer) so I am sorry that I did not post this sooner. Hmph. Haha. I don't blame him. The possibilities at our fingertips are overwhelming and it makes one want to explore them all day. But nah, he's been working (even though I think he still sneaks in "exploring" TSNC here and there) so I had to patiently wait my turn....while wasting more precious sleep time.

Speaking of sleep, I believe I have failed to mention that Luka Leon sleeps through the night now, approximately 8 to 9 hours. He wakes up around 5:00 - 5:30 for an early bird breakfast, goes back to sleep (usually in between us in our bed) and wakes again an hour or two later for a late bird breakfast. Then after getting ready for the day he eats yet another breakfast, with solid food this time, and being so tired of all of these pleasurable eating activities takes a nap around mid morning. Only to wake up to a fresh lunch. Then another nap. Then supper. Hahah. Charmed life? I think so. I wish I could simply eat and sleep all day. Fret not. He does plenty of playing, rolling around, climbing, reaching, laughing, crying, giggling, cooing, squealing, beaming, flirting, shying, and much more in between his eating/sleeping schedule. He keeps us on our toes these days and will continue the keeping-on-the-toes with growing intensity with the months and years to come. Or so I hear. Ahh, what awaits me.

But enough about our schedule-of-which-you-do-not-care. Let the pictures begin.


Moma T. said...

My favorite, of course, is the Gramas photo. Just wait, Little Luka Leon, the Gramas you touch now will soon be touchin' you! Woo Hoo!