Monday, October 05, 2009

Jehovah Jireh

God the Provider. Weep no more me loved ones. The blog will soon return. A pair of angels on earth have blessed us mightily with not merely a computer, but a shiny, new, amilliontimesbetterthanthelastonewehad computer! Praise God and thank you angels who know of whom I speak! We know we are blessed and we are grateful.

So. On Saturday if God is willing we will be receiving our shiny new computer and hence, the writing/posting pictures frenzy will resume. So my dear ones, until then, then. Chow for now and know that I sorely miss writing you all properly...sniff sniff.......snifff.


Moma said...

Thank you, God, for your love and provision! Can't wait for the next post, with photos, of course!