Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Mornings con Papi

Take a look at the heart melting sights my eyes take in as they crack open for the first time in the morning...I am intrigued by how many little traits Luka has adopted from his Big Hero (who happens to be my Hero too...along with you of course were my first hero and Jason is my latest hero...but you are both equally my heroes....whatever, I can't explain it well so you're just both my heroes, okey? Ok.). Anywaaay. Got off subject there for a little bit. Jason has an intense aversion to morning light. So much so that his birthday present from me this year was a super comfy n.a.p. Brookstone eye mask. Which he wears. Every. Single. Morning. Yeah. I hit that gift idea on the spot. Several mornings ago Luka was stirring uncomfortably in between us on the bed and beginning to get fussy. I cracked an eye open and saw that the morniing light was streaming down onto his face and wondered if this was the offender. I have an eye pillow that my mom gave me and so decided to try placing it over his eyes to see what would happen. Lo and behold: he immediately settled down and went back to sleep. Hah! Eye coverings, I love thee.