Friday, November 06, 2009

Laundry Day...overdue

Look what I found in my laundry basket the other day. Aww. Too bad a few seconds later he tried to crawl out of the thing...Luka, you need to learn to walk first buddy. Then tackle climbing out of things.

As life has been go go go here lately, I felt up to my eyeballs (I hate that word..doesn't it sound gross? Eyeballs. Eww.) in laundry. I was finding it rather hard to capture a point in time where I could tackle folding it all while Luka was taking naps or otherwise occupied, until I realized there was no need for such a time. Why not just plop him in the middle of it all and introduce him to the wonderful world of warm, clean fresh smelling laundry? No matter how hot of a climate I live in, I always enjoy a good armful of warm laundry, fresh out of the dryer. So cozy!
For reasons unbeknown to us, Luka's favorite laundry item to play with is underwear...maybe he wants to be potty trained (wouldn't that be nice)?...?????

Where's da beybey?

Just chillin like a mini villain

Ahem, up to our eyeballs in laundry


Anonymous said...


Luka is absolutely adoreable!!

Thanks for letting JoJo give us a call from your house. We are missing her terribly and counting down the days until her return home. (10 days in case you wanted to know)


Debbie Goodman

Moma said...

I've always thought Luka is just a miniature Jason, but I think I see a bit of Danjo in him, too. Nice! Only one week to go and he can be playing in MY laundry basket!