Tis the season to be busy, fa la la la laaaaa! People, people, people. We have seen lots. Of. People. It has been so much fun but I confess in a whisper that we are a wee bit tired. Not of the people we see but of seeing people. It has been so much fun though! I thank God for allowing us this opportunity to visit with so many loved ones....and Luka just woke up from a nap and so this is the end of this. Chow for now. More pictures to come tomorrow and all I have to say is. You. Will. Like. So come back tomorrow for some professional delights....= )

Mimi found something in the laundry.

This is what we found after Dad changed the diaper. Hah!

Our Honduran friends

Luka and Mr Smith, Beer, 2 for 1! Great background, ha ha!
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