Sunday, January 17, 2010

The freedom of the toes

Out of boots and into flip flops and my toes are wiggling their thank yous...until they get smeared and gritty with the dirt that jumps on them around these parts. They may be free but they are none the cleaner for it. Luka seems to be liking free toes as well. Jason has been excluded from this picture because he refuses to wear sandals and opts for socks and closed shoes (how he does it in this heat I do. Not. Know.) or Crocs.

If you ever wondered what the TSA workers that you don't see at airports do with their time I have a partial answer for you. Once upon a time (last year) when we traveled home from the States United, due to being showered with gifts for the Wee One we brought his goodies down in large plastic bins. These bins we wrapped over and over with duct tape to ensure the safety of the items inside. Our dear TSA workers decided they would take a peek to make sure we weren't smuggling contraband and taped our boxes back up with weak, puny TSA tape. Hence the fact that many of our personal unreplacable items fell out which were not put back into our bins. So. In view of the fact that the Wee One has been showered with even more gifts and that our suitcase fell apart, we packed in large plastic bins again. Only this time we got crafty. Drilled holes through the sides of the lids and slipped zip ties through them. Nice and tight. Only, what if TSA decides to take a peek again? SO then we got even craftier and I made the following sign that I slipped in on top of all of our items on the bins:

When we got home, we opened our beloved bins to find the following:

So. Now you know what TSA does with part of their time. They write their beloved passengers notes.


Kir said...

That was incredibly clever of you!!

Moma T. said...


GRACE said...

That was hilarious!!

tessa isabella said...

cheque! en Honduras te hubieran robado los tie wraps...