Saturday, February 27, 2010

Earthquake in Chile: Family is safe

Most of you probably know by now that there was an earthquake in Chile last night at midnight. What many of you may not know is that my brother David and his family live there as missionaries. Up until 12:06 this noon we had not heard anything from them due to power and communications being down in most of the country. I was stalking skype and saw the moment Dave logged on and was able to call him, talk to him (what a great relief comes over one when you hear the voice of one you think could be in peril!) and learned that he and the girls were safe and sound. A good bit rattled, but safe. PRAISE GOD!

Please continue praying for the Chileans, as the earthquake has been categorized as among the five worst in the history of recorded earthquakes. We have many friends that live in Talca, Concepcion and Chillan, some of the most affected areas. We have not heard anything form any of them...may God be glorified through this tragedy.

Click here for some images of what has taken place. Many of these pictures are from Talca, the city where we lived for six years.