Thursday, February 25, 2010

A big first

Luka decided on Monday that he was going to stand up unsupported. After receiving his due applause and encouragement, he decided it was fun to continue practicing his new skill. So he did. On Tuesday, de decided standing was for babies and began taking his first steps instead! Awww. Our Wee One is growing up way too fast for our comfort. Stay this size forever Crawfish Baby! Except while doing so, make sure you learn how to go in the potty, and feed yourself, and well, make your own food for that matter, and pick up your own toys after you use them, and well, maybe you could wash some of your clothes while your at it but make sure you get the food stains off first. And baths. Make sure you learn how to take baths. But please stay the same size ok? Love you buddy! We're proud of your new accomplishment! XOoXXxOooXxx

He's even progressed to surf practice...

...and the Tango

Muy bien guapo!


Papo said...

I knew it wouldn't be long before the little tyke started to walk. Just keep an eye on the little fella...with his curiosity he could wind up in Nicargua hitchhiking. 8>)

Love, Papo

P.S. Keep your pants up, Kid!!

J Yale said...

Luka we are so excited to see your new cool moves! Those are the cutest pics!!!