Monday, February 22, 2010

It starts...

And let the messes begin! While washing dishes the other night I heard an unfamiliar massive crack-splat sound take place behind me. I swirled around to see what was going on and this is what my eyes beheld.

Oh yes. Our breakfast for the week.


Pthyesspth? Look Momma! I've mastered poking an egg yoke with my pincers!

I knew it was going to be a very busy week, what with a group staying at the refuge and all, and so I stocked up on breakfast stuff, all of which required eggs in some form or fashion. Stores close early here every night, so popping in the store to grab some more eggs wasn't an option because we got home late every night. Lets just say we survived off of cereal and...well that's it. Just cereal.

Luka has reached "that stage." You know, the getintoeverythingbeforemommacanbataneyelash stage. He. Destroys. Everything. Except my heart. That one he keeps intact with his new toothy smiles and flirty eyes. Check out some of the other messes he's been creating around here...and these are just the ones I've had time to snap a shot of.


Look Momma. I found our vacation cups that Sissy left us!

He gets into the tupperware section just about every day. Rather than get flustered about it, I pretend it is just some more of his toys and treat cleanup accordingly. Hey, if him rummaging around in there gives me a few more minutes to get food cooked to deliciousness, then he can have at it!

And this was today....oooo this was not a pretty or funny one. He found some of my nail polish and proceeded to pummel it against the tile, resulting in an immediate splattering of deep plum paint all over the tile, wall, bathroom cabinet, his legs, and one of his cutest outfits. All this minutes before we were supposed to go on a day-long trip. I was wearing a white skirt that miraculously didn't get a spot on it. Jason came to the rescue to hold Luka while I quickly picked up the shards of glass and pretty much wasted most of my polish remover on trying to rub the pools of paint off of everything. I might need to invest in some large metal cages to keep every single one of our belongings in until Luka turns 20. Or until he runs off and gets married. And then maybe his wife can pick up his toys for him, but I bet she won't be able to cook as well as I do....mraw rha rha rha rha! Just kidding Wee One.

Wish me luck, or better yet, pray for us as we continue learning how to keep up with this cute, wiggly little thing.


Unknown said...

Ohhhh, Luka! You are following in your dad's footsteps!!?? Jason used to love to "cook" in the kitchen too. It wasn't unusual to find him scrambling eggs either. Your curiosity proves you're smart! You will keep Mom and Dad on their toes keeping up with you!

Love and kisses,
Big Guy and Mimi

Papo said...

Atta Boy, Luka!!! Pay 'em back, Kiddo!!!!!

Love and messes, Papo

"He that sows to the wind will reap a whirlwind."

tia gracie lou freebush said...

LOL!!!!!! Me estoy riendoooo!! Bello que es!!

Clayton Pearlstein said...

Hi Sarah! You do not know me :) but my husband and I are friends with Steve and Marisha. And I thought I would share with you a story that may make you feel better about your little messes latley (although later they make for great memories!) Our daughter Eleanor, last year dumped a bottle of vegetable oil on our couch. It wasn't any couch, I recovered it about six months earlier. Hours and hours went into it! When I first saw it I was so sad (not angry at my adorable 18 month old) that I started to cry. What a baby! Well, that couch is long gone now...I tried cleaning it, took each cushion cover off and washed it several times. And that actually worked but because there was still oil in the foam part a lovely family of mice decided to make it their home! I know, disgusting. After we discovered them, I would not sit on it or let Ellie. So bye bye couch! Your little one is adorable by the way! Thanks for the fun blog! love~ Brooke @