Friday, February 19, 2010

First things first

Well hello. Remember me? The one who used to post here several times a week? That girl is not gone forever, just temporarily detained by jungle business that affords no civilized communications. In other words, a lot has been going on lately, mainly the setup of the future internet cafe, a staff retreat, a family team staying at the refuge for the week, new front top teeth for Luka, his triumph over amoebas, a trip to the big city to purchase tons of stuff for the refuge (in which we left the Wee One behind for two whole days which about broke my heart), laundry, dishes, clean floors, fresh meals...and so on. You are not forgotten, just slightly put off for a little bit of sleep in the middle of this. And oh my sassy, let's just say I'm glad Luka's teeth have finally poked through because I was about to perish from lack of sleep. Speaking of sleep, If I don't write my picture comments now and hit the hay, I might just perish after all and then what you waste our time reading? Buenas noches beloveds.

Our great friends the Peraults blessed us by taking us on our very first whale watch boat tour.
Within the first few minutes we saw the following: Two sea turtles caught up in a great tangle of thick fishing string and several large hooks. They were flapping around trying to free themselves and they looked very awkward and unsuccessful. The guys pulled them into the boat and assessed the problem.

One of them had swallowed a hook, which made its way through his digestive system and then out through the final exit. That had to have been uncomfortable...
That same line was tangling them both together with no relief but by the cutting of the string. The string was wrapped so tightly around one of the turtle's arms, we think it will probably fall off due to cut of blood flow. It looked rotten.

They were freed up once more back to normal swimming and long lives. Poor things. It was pretty bad.

Found himself a perch

I love hearing Jason's belly laugh

We saw some whales! It was impacting and beautiful.

The other perchers, our interns Rebecca and Nichole

Our tour guide and friend Jovino. He is a good man.

A little eye treat along the way.

It was a lovely event. Thank you Ronni and Alice!


Mama said...

Love the photos. Love you. Kiss Luka for me.

Dad said...

I guess someone has to watch those whales and make them feel important. I can hardly wait to see more photos.

Love, Dad