Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Whoa. A lot is going on right now.

  • First and most exciting is a new addition to the Thompson Family. Click here.
  • We are part of a staff retreat at Refugio Solte (the "project") this week and although we are having meetings and stuff I don't really feel retreated because we opted for coming home at night , for various reasons, and I still have to do laundry and house cleaning, and blogs and stuff. I'm enjoying time team building with our new staff though! God has put together a great team here to continue carrying on this little corner of His plan for His kingdom.
  • The Walters, part of that new team I am talking about, arrived two weeks ago and it has been a crazy ride for us all ever since. They all decided they loved our internet and have adopted our home as their office/internet cafe. = )
  • Speaking of internet cafe. We are opening one. In TWO weeks. Right around the corner from our house. We are excited but have a lot left to do to get it ready.
  • I still have to put together a good kitchen staff for this year. Mulling over that one.
  • Luka's last amoeba dose will be in about 48 minutes. I pray those pesky things go away. My poor baby is almost back to being himself again...except I think he is teething something fierce too.
  • Pictures you have to look forward to: Our first whale sighting. An impromptu rescuing of two sea turtles that were sure to die. Luka licking his plate clean. And maybe some lagniappe.
Instead of sleeping, as I should be doing, I am typing this post and so now I bid you adieu with a wink and a smile.


Moma said...

You can't have known when you posted it how much that little photo of Likable Luka would have blessed me at school every day and several times a day. Each time I go toward my school desk, I walk right by his little face looking up at me and "smilingly swearing to be cute forever and for all times". I'm going to have to laminate it so I won't wear a hole in it where I pat his little head.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the new niece/nephew????? I know y'all are excited for them and I'm sure the girls will love their new baby!

It sounds like y'all have really been busy, but things are coming together for the internet cafe. What a great opportunity to minister to the community.

Ms. Ann

Dad said...

We love you guys, and know the work is heavy at times. But the rewards a so wonderful and God's grace is always sufficient. Even a cook gets to lead a guy to the Lord, like I did Tuesday. What a joy to serve the Lord, serve others, and, oh yes, serve supper.

Love, Dad