Thursday, February 04, 2010

On the mend

Well, trying to help Luka get better on Monday was a waste. I noticed he seemed to be in more pain than ever and more clingy than ever. I decided to call (at Jason's smart suggestion) our loved Honduran family friend, who so happens to be a Gastrointerologist (or however you spell it because the red underline is insisting that my spelling is wrong but does not offer the correct spelling so pththththt to that) who promtly informed me that what Luka has are not worms but rather amoebas. Funny because when I saw the name of what the lab doctor found, I thought the same thing due to the fact that the word amoebas was in the name of the diagnosis. Imagine that. But no. They said it was a common parasite and prescribed common medicine that did nothing. So our dear Dr. Rogelio set us straight and on our way back to the pharmacy with the name of an appropriate medicine. Imagine my not-surprised (but pleased) state when in a matter of 30 minutes my boy was back to being his sweet, happy-go-lucky crawling smiling exploring self again. Praise God! He looks and seems so much better, and to be honest so do I because I was worn out and now I'm not and we are all the happier for it. The end of that.

He got the biggest kick out of himself making these faces at Jason. He discovered that squinting can be fun and makes him look cute.

The misplaced food on the other hand screams "I'm a mess!"


Unknown said...

I'm so glad he's feeling better! What a messy, happy eater! I'll bet he's getting bigger by the minute the way he likes to eat. Kiss him for me
Love, Ms. Ann