Tuesday, February 02, 2010


Luka has worms. = ( Not long ago someone told me about a friend of theirs who "de-wormed" their kids every summer and laughed for a good while about how funny that sounds. Well. The joke is on me.

Poor little buddy. The hero of the day is my mom, Luka's Moma, who after hearing my description of the symptoms we all thought was teething, suggested that it might be parasites. If not for that I might have not taken him to the lab and would not have known he was suffering beyond hurting gums. Thank you Momaaaa! You should know after raising five wild dirt eating kids in the tropics. = )


Moma said...

You're welcome. It was nice talking to you last night.

I can still remember the red trail winding around one of Mark's little white legs when he had a parasite that left markings just underneath the surface. When Dr. Nasry Handal whipped his camera out of the closet and started taking photos galore, we thought our little son must have a rare parasite. But no, it just showed up so much better on the chalky white skin that it made for a better photo for a possible medical article. :-)

Papo said...

Worms? Yep, I used to eat 'em. Way to go, Lukita!!! Early start.
