...with this sweet boy. How could you not? Ah the Wee one. How he has changed! He crawls anywhere, gets into anything, puts all things, pleasant or not, into his mouth, and delights our hearts. The last few days have been challenging though. It seems our fidgety bundle of joy is teething again (he has four teeth now, three of which have come in just this month, poor little tyke) and he has not been his easygoing self of late. In fact, he has been very clingy, fussy, undecided as to what he really wants (read: up, down, thirsty, not, wants this, maybe later, points to that, never mind) and to keep this post honest, I'm a bit worn out. Imagine this: the cutest little thing ever tugging, scratching, yanking, poking, head butting, pulling, pushing and generally clinging to you all day long. Pretty maddening, let me write you. But we are hanging in there, because we have to and because we love to. = ) I'm taking him to the doctor tomorrow just in case it might be something other than teething. I'll keep you posted!

Great post!
Luka's lovin' the water, isn't he? Thanks so much for keeping up with your blog. I know it's hard sometimes but it sure helps us feel in touch with ya'll. We love and miss you all. Luka gets cuter by the day--I want to hug and kiss him soooo bad!
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