Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Wow. I have kept you in suspense these last three days haven't I? Life has been busy lately as we are preparing for yet another busy year, but I'll explain more about that in a little bit. Here is Luka's "after" look. We faux hawk it sometimes just for fun, but not all of the time. Jason is happy. I think his original desire to have a son was based on wanting to one day faux hawk his baby's hair. Now that we are parents, he has different inspirations to be a papa, but he is enjoying carrying out his first plan, much to the chagrin of his dad, Mr. Randall.

Why we are busy: On Thursday, two girls are coming to carry out an internship for several months and we are setting up an apartment for them to stay in. Many of you know, maybe some of you do not, that we are opening (soon!) an internet cafe in our little community. We don't have the necessary funds yet to go all out on all of the services we would like to offer, so for now, to make ends meet, we will be renting the upper floor of the cafe to the interns. The space was not nearly finished, construction wise, and Jason has been doing an amazing job at spiffing it up. I have been taking before and after pictures of that as well and will be posting them when it's finished. We are excited as the place is turning out very nice. Woopyyy!

And I , within a very short amount of time have to put together an incredible kitchen staff for the rest of the year. Nyang, nyang (biting nails). Pray for me.

My little coconut head


Unknown said...

Luka looks soooo "grown up" now! I wish I could give him a big kiss and hug. BG and I really miss ya'll so I thought I'd surprise you with this comment on your blog. We love you,
Ms. Ann

Papo said...

Keep up the good work, Kids!! I know you enjoy it, but it is still work.

BTW got some new meds that are killing the pain in my upper body. I CAN NOW WEAR SHIRTS WITH NO PAIN!!! Oh, glory!! Oh, rejoice!!!


futura suegra said...

que bello ese hombre! cuando TI vio la foto se desmayo... ahhh! love ya three! besitos, tessa

Daney said...

Sarah, esta bien bello tu bebe! Que guapo!!! Lindas todas tus fotos :)
Un abrazo y suerte en todos tus planes alli en CR :)

El tio Estiben said...

Loving the faux! La foto que dice "My little coconut head" es una de esas que contiene el cuadro completo. One of those forever pictures.