Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cafe Perica

The cafe is open! And people are coming! And it's a blessing! And it's fun! And I'm excited! Can't you tell?

Let's take a moment to take a deep breath...aaaaahhhh. It's so nice to be done with the "crunch time" of trying to get everything ready for opening. Every single one of the ATC staff, including the niños, focused on helping us do anything necessary to get the place ready. If you had seen the building Wednesday morning, you might have thought there was no way even in Wonderland that the cafe would be ready for the soft opening that night. But it was! No glitches. It was perfect. Except for the smoothies. I was unaware that the fruit I had "freezing" in the freezer, was in fact only cold due the fact that the fridge had been unplugged for electrical work. So the smoothies tasted divine but had the texture of nothing more than fruit drinks. Ah, well. We survived did we not?

Many of our close friends and neighbors came for the opening and dedication and we really had a blast. Praise God! It's done and it's good. The cafe as been open to the public since Thursday morning and God has been so good to bring people in. Everybody in the community is really excited to have something like this available, especially the teens. We are offering only the basics right now: Internet, fax, scanning and photocopies. With time and as the Lord provides the funds, we hope to offer video games for the kids, ping pong, foosball, a mini library, photography (they really like getting pictures taken around here), food, drinks, a little lounge area, etc...God has provided all of the donations necessary to get this place of ministry going, and we trust that He will provide the rest that is needed. Can't serve coffee if you don't have a coffee maker! Haha. I guess we could make it with a coffee sock...nah. We want to do it right form the get go.

For those of you dearest readers who haven't heard us talking about the cafe yet, the vision is that this would be a place where people from the community come to use a practical service, but where we can build relationships with the customers in order to bless them, love on them and share the love and message of Christ with them. We are not making a profit from the earnings, but rather charging only enough to cover operating costs. If there is a monthly profit, we will be putting it into a fund that can help meet the needs of people in the community, and even other nations. Pretty soon we will be gathering with several believers and friends at least one night a week to fellowship, worship our Lord, pray and study His word together in the cafe. These are exciting times, but please keep us in your prayers as we all have a common enemy who would love, no, that is not a part of him, relish destroying anything that would bring glory and honor to God. Thank your for your prayers and for supporting us in carrying out this vision! We also specifically thank the Peraults, Cartys, Walters, Rebecca and Nicole for there loving help all of these weeks past. We love and appreciate you!


Sarah, Jason and Luka

Dedication prayer and thanksgiving

Our friend Jovino and his family

Watching Planet Earth on one of the computers

Some samples of food we will be serving one day, when we have kicthen tools to work with and an eating area.

Luka found himself a girlfriend! Conni carried him around for most of the event and played with him.

I love seeing so many kids around!

My husband, the technology guru. XxOOxxx

The setup

Rebecca, one of the interns. We are slowly still working on fixing the place up.

Latte? Cappuccino anyone? Hopefully soon!

Our old neighbor, Jonny. Jason helped him get a laptop from the States at half the cost of what he would pay for it here. This encouraged him to finally go back to high school. Woop woop!

Don't panic. This sign is only temporary.


Dad said...

CONGRATULATIONS, KIDS!!!!!! I know you have prayed and worked very hard to get his very important tool up and running. Looks like you have done a stellar job. Now, to see God do His heavenly work will be "foam on the latte". 8>)

Love Dad

P.S. Don't give Luka any latte or capuccino yet...PLEASE.

Moma said...

What a fabulous job you guys are doing! Tomorrow, Dad will be doing what he loves best--preaching, tomorrow in Bloomington, filling in for an associate pastor.

Praying God will bless and protect your endeavors for His glory!

grace said...


What a huge blessing para ustedes y los vecinos! I'm so happy que este proyecto resulto y me encanta ver que la gente este happy con otro tipo de servicio, me encantan los colores!! :) Yo quiero un smoothie cuando vaya y chequear mi email, chinear a Luka y hablar con vos.

Much love & I pray that this will be one big ministry para que muchos conozcan de Dios!

Estiben said...

Eya, que pinta! Me alegra mucho ver lo que estan haciendo. A ver si no ponemos unos CDs gratis por ai cerca de la entrada... =)