Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Wee bit older

The Wee One isn't such a wee one any more....sigh...and maybe a little tear...A year ago yesterday the much awaited Luka made his grand world entrance. It's so cool to think that even before the words "Let there be light" spoke light into existence, God knew Luka Ilan Smith would be a part of this world, and hopefully a part of His heavenly Kingdom.
Let's recap this year, shall we?

  • Sleepless nights, or rather, nights with little sleep.
  • Recovery from my first major surgery (the dreaded c-section)
  • Staring into beautiful blue eyes full of innocence and curiosity, eyes that were formed inside of me. That still amazes me, that such details could be formed inside of me without any doing on my part...other than eating well of course.
  • My finger being wrapped by tiny little fingers.
  • Bolting out of bed after six straight hours of sleep thinking "something must be wrong!" Haha.
  • Adding a new accessory to my wardrobe....spit-up.
  • Painful nursing, then blessed bonding.
  • the beginning stages of weaning (as I type). Wish me luck. Better yet, pray for us.
  • My heart stopping for a bit with a first smile creeping up my second favorite lips. Jason's being my first.
  • Wondering why my sweet pie was clinging to me like white fuzz on a black sweater, then being hit with realization after noticing a bump moving up his gums. Teeth!
  • Learing that new teeth = crying, fussing, sleeplessness, crankiness, no appetite, slobber....
  • Wanting to jump up and down and do even more outrageously silly things after hearing his first laugh. It's addictive, once you hear him laugh, you will do anything to generate more laughs.
  • realizing HOW MUCH God must love me, if me, an imperfect being could love my child so much simply because he is mine.
  • Swelling with pride and cheer when he accomplishes something new, while at the same time grieving his quick growth...
And that is where I find myself now. How did so many days go by so fast? How did he go from needing me to support his head to trying to run? How did he switch from Momma's milk to pasta? How could my heart contain any more love and endearment? It can and it will. I know one day I will be asking myself, "How did he go from needing to be held all of the time to driving himself off to college, walking his bride back down the isle towards their honeymoon, or writing his own book...or whatever?"

The fact is, I love being a mom. Sometimes, if I am to be honest, I miss my quiet-ish life and the freedom to pick up and do anything or go anywhere. But I am realizing that I have a new kind of freedom, the freedom to love a tiny boy, hoping and praying that he will be a Godly man, the freedom to understand a little bit more of how God views me as his child, teh freedom to cuddle and kiss our little Wee all i want...until he thinks that's not cool any more. = )

Happy birthday Luka!

Since it was St. Patricks day and all, we started a tradition. Luka gets green pancakes on his birthday.

He went straight for his name.

Chomped that down quickly.

nyum nyum.

Jason got him a typical hat. How cute is that?

Pose? Down pat.

His party will be on Sunday, so you better believe there will be fun times had and lots of pictures of cake and stuff. Wait till you see what Luka's cake is shaped like...