Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Party

I felt like death on Friday and Saturday with body aches, fever and eyes that hurt intensely if I even attempted to look to the sides. How in the world was I going to pull off a birthday party for 35-40 guests? Keep in mind that everything food related has to be made or put out the minute before you intend it to be eaten, otherwise an entire army of black ants that bite (hard) will devour it before you reach for the first morsel. So. I prayed. The Lord healed me because Sunday morning I woke up minus body aches and fever and had only remnants of the eye pain.

Enough about me. The party happened! Woop woop! It was SO MUCH FUN! We really did have almost 40 people come and the kids seemed to have a blast. Jason put out a slip-n-slide (read, big black tarp) and we had a few watery games for them, plus a piñata and all the candy, chips, cookies, punch, salsa, tortilla rolls cake and junk you could imagine. I did not, however, serve ice cream and jello, as is the birthday custom here. So if they went home disappointed, it's my fault. I could never bring mysefl to serve that ghastly combination. And now, the pictures and grand revelation (drum roll) of what Luka's cake was...


Balloon line limbo...whaaat? It worked!

L' Tarp

Might as well. It's so hot here.

Su piñata!

Whack whack

Mad dash for candy

everyone surveying their loot

The big cake

The cake lineup

HIS CAKE! He was born on St. Patrick's day so I thought it was fitting for him to have a clover leaf. Lucky Luka.

Ugh! This is hard work.


This was how his belly ended up. Whoa there, Wee One!


J Yale said...

love, love, love these pics!!!! So cute. Glad y'all had a great time. Kiss him for me!

Moma T. said...

Yipee! The long-awaited photos have arrived! What fun! Praise to the Lord for making you well. Luka did not disappoint! Veeeeerrry messy and adorable. Properly serious on his BIG DAY. Great "lucky" cake! Good call on not serving ice cream and jello. Uacala! Only one birthday wish not answered for me yet--my presence there! Muchos besitos y abracitos!!!!! Muaaaaa!

Papo said...

WOW! WOW!! WOW!!! What a lotta work!!!! But the photos tell the story. Glad you were feeling up to it. Just wonder how you felt after it was all over, Sarah? And I know Jason must have been tuckered out.

Luka was adorable as usual...his serious little self. The cake was great, and his eating of it was soooo adorable. That mess makes a Grandad proud of the the male gender!!

Wait until next year!!

Love, Papo