Sunday, March 28, 2010

Can you say, "I'm a mess?"

I fed Luka grits the other night. He didn't finish eating them all and so I set the bowl aside, pulled him out of the highchair and as usual, let him roam around. I must have been distracted by something because a few moments, a FEW moments later, I glanced up at Luka's eerie silence only to find him grinning while holding out a fistful of grits to me. "Oh. How nice. You want to give those to Momma? Here. Give those to Momma please. No? Luka...Lukaaa...Give those to Momma right now..." Too late. The grits were everywhere, in his hair, all over his face, neck, shirt, feet, the floor, the table, the ottoman, even in our bed room! Now how did that happen so fast? And have you ever tried to clean cooked grits off of tile? Grumble, grumble, grumble. Oh but I love him though! Gritty cheeks and all....

stomp, stomp, smear.

Splat, splat.

scatter scatter


Papo said...

All I can say is, "Grit and bear it". 8>}


Unknown said...

"I'm a mess" was one of Anna Kate's favorite sayings when she was younger! I think Luka certainly qualifies to say it too! He takes after his dad for sure!