Saturday, April 24, 2010

Berries that are blue

While strolling through the grocery store as usual, almost mechanically pulling items I needed off of the shelf as usual, my eye caught a pretty sight that I have never seen here...not as usual. BLUEBERRIIIEESSS!!! Imagine my eyes instantly becoming bright and my fingers twirling with anticipation and delight. But then, err err err. I stopped in mid bliss. My thoughts did the following: "Wait a minute. Blueberries? There have never been blueberries here before. And now there are. Which can mean only one thing. Expensive. Oh no! I hate expensive. Moreover, I can't do expensive. This is unfair! This is torture! Why, why, why would Mr. Manager Man provide blueberries and then charge outrageous prices that I can't even think of? Ok stop. Just do it ok? Just look at the price and then walk away." And so I did. I looked at the price and raised my eyebrows just a little bit but not to the height I would have expected. Here goes the brain again: "Hmmm. That's not too bad. It's slight robbery but not total. I can do this. This once. For this week in my life, me and my boys will savor blueberries. I CAN. I will." I did. And Oh my taste buds, my oatmeal tasted heavenly this morning. Luka had two helpings.