Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Holding down the fort

If I haven't posted anything in the last couple of days, it is because Jason is out of town with the computer that has all of our pictures, and I am rnning the cafe while he is gone. I don't know how I would do this effectively without the great help of Becca and Nicole, our interns, who have been taking care of Luka while I clack away on the computers and print endless documents for customers. Yesterday seemed to be photocopy day. I must have printed 100 documents and copies for the seemingly endless stream of people that came through...and we were only opened half a day! The kids have caught wind of a growing trend at the cafe. They come in all of the time now asking me to look up free printable coloring pages for them. They pick the cartoon of their choice, I arrange it proportionately on the page, print it and then watch as they skip away excited to do some coloring. One mother came in with the bright idea and now all the kids want coloring pages. Fine by me! It's business for the cafe and fun for the kids. Plus it gives us a sweet chance of spending time with them and doing something special for them. Since I have nothing better to offer, you will just have to be content with staring at these pictures I just took of myself running the lazy morning cafe. Yaaaawwwwn...

Sometimes I get sleepy.