Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The following is a story of our one and only hammock.

A very special friend from Honduras gifted us a beautiful hammock as a wedding present. The hammock is stringed with soft, cream colored rope, has two long carved pieces of wood stretching out each end, and has a dangle hanging off of each side with "Honduras" crocheted into the weave. One of the wooden pieces has "Mazel Tov" engraved into it while the other piece records our wedding date. June 10th, 2006. I love our hammock. It is beautiful and holds much meaning in my heart. I would like to say that I have enjoyed our hammock. But I cannot! Oh phooey. Six glorious months after our marriage, we moved to Central America and had to leave our swinging friend behind. We originally thought that we would only be away for one year, and obviously our time here has stretched into the unknown.

Year #1
Me: I wish we had a hammock. Why don't we get a hammock?
Jason: Yeah, me too. But Nah. We will only be here for a year. What's the point?
Me: I guess. And we do have our good one at home, so I guess we'll be swinging in it soon
enough. Sigh.

Year #2
Me: I wish we could have brought our hammock. I sure do miss having one.
Jason. Yeah. Me too. Maybe we can get someone to bring it down for us.
Me: But it is so big! Why don't we just buy a cheap one until we can get our real one?
Jason: Nah. Why waste the money when we already have a nice one?
Me: Yeah. But chances are we will never get it down here....siiigh.

Year #3

Me: I really want a hammock! When is someone coming down who could bring ours down
for us?
Jason: I don't know. The problem is that is is so big it would have to be checked as luggage.
Me: I wish we had just bought a cheap one two years ago....siiiiigggghhhh.

Year #4

Me: I wish we ha....Look Luka! A hammock! Nieghbor, can Luka swing in your hammock?
Thank you! Sigh.


Unknown said...

I love this pix and I love him!!!!! XXXOOO's to all of you! We miss you sooo much! Thanks, Sarah, for being so faithful to send these updates often. Love, Ms. Ann