Monday, May 03, 2010

A Wee bit hilarious

We have been getting a lot of good belly laughs out of the Wee one lately. You would probably cry laugh if you saw the antics we use to amuse him. Just this afternoon, for example, and for no reason, I began hopping, jumping, scooting and wiggling around the kitchen, all movements accompanied with sound effects . This, of course, was received with a wild expression in Luka's eyes and my due laughter out of his cute mouth. All the while in the back of my mind I was thinking, "I sure hope no one has a hidden camera rigegd into one of my spices because if they do, my credibility as a sound minded adult might just be more than questioned. It's a good thing Luka won't remember the particulars of what made him a happy baby, you know...when he is older.
His favorite though? His Papi. Or Daddy if you prefer English. Luka loooves his Daddy. When Jason got home from running the cafe tonight, Luka bee-lined it to the door with a big "Ooo" expression, almost as if to say, "Oooo, here comes the fun!" Proof coming up immediately.

¡Arre, Arre caballote! (Giddyup!)

I wuuuv my Papi,

Here is what might happen to you if you feed your child white beans for him to feed himself with his hands while you might have just maybe become distracted by what so and so was singing on American Idol. If you think we are lame for watching that show, than we probably are. No apologies. But anyway. Beans. Baby. Hand fed. Parents, don't try this in public. EVER. Ever. Ever.


Papo said...

A very wise mother, indeed...dressing your son in his New Orleans Saints shirt, that is. Why of course, what else does a true N.O. Saint do after eating white beans? Toots his horn!! His own jazzin' jam festival. Oh! and then naturally, the other jam session...diaper jam!!! Jam on Luka!!!! ;>)
Love, Papo