Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Do what you Do

This is what we, the Smiths, do for entertainment when it rains. Luka plays with the rain in a bowl and heightens the fun by given a bath to a leaf. I take pictures. Fun. Times. Wanna join us? Please? Please do.

The inevitable attempt at tasting the leaf


Mama T. said...

Well at least Luka washed the leaf before tasting it.

Love the photography, Sarah.

Love you. Love Luka. Love Jason.
Miss you. Miss Luka. Miss Jason.

Jaime Lee said...

Awesome photos..probaly can get alot more of those now that rainy season is soon to show it's pretty face each day :)

Anonymous said...

Wow Sarah.
Deberias tener tu fotografias en gallery.

Chela said...

Gracias Gracia! Jajaja. Siempre me da risa decir eso.

Asber vos. Es pura chiripa.