Friday, May 07, 2010

These Boots are made for Stompin'

Mimi surprised Luka for his birthday with some great rain boots. They have to be the cutest rain boots I have seen for a Wee One. They are whale themed...appropriate for where we live. Five minutes away from our house, if you walk, is the beach where whales are often seen. About every day between now and November it will rain. So. Rain boots plus whales equals just right. Thank you Mimi!
Luka loves his boots. He brings them to me and grunts, meaning, "I want these on please." Well, I'm not sure about the "please" but I will imagine it is included in the grunt. So I put them on and he stomps away thinking he's big stuff. And he is. He has gotten pretty fast in them too. Stomp away whale man. I love you.

Stomp stomp

How cute are the pull tabs? Whale's tail!

He is waving an American flag while wearing a Honduran shirt in another Hispanic country. Multicultural? Luka? Naaaah.

Standing firm


Unknown said...

I love, love, love these pix!!!! He looks so cute in his boots and I know they'll come in handy for y'all to keep his feet dry. (and to keep snakes or other critters off of him!) Love the flag waving too--he needs to know his American roots--and learn to speak English so he can talk to Big Guy, Mimi, Aunt Jen, Uncle Joe, Anna Kate, Sissy and Andy! Thanks for keeping your blog up--we love it and all of y'all. Happy Mother's Day, Sarah! You're a great mom!
Love, Ms. Ann and Mr. Randy

Jaime Lee said...

SOOO adorable! We have been shopping for boots too. I agree these are the cutest pair. I love the diaper and boots shot, really sweet. It was fun talking with you (and jason) tonight.

papo said...

Well, Kid, the boots look simply chevere. But the diaper...Man, that diaper draggin halfway down your little arce, that's just a droopin drawer shame. But now that I look around and think about it a little, YOU'RE RIGHT IN STYLE. You go, Kid. Just don't stomp too hard, or things might get just a little too airy.;>)
Love, Papo