Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day. Indeed.

Luka must have been excited about celebrating me yesterday, because he woke up at 5:30 a.m. ready to go. And I mean ready. I have been a bit under the weather lately with something resembling a cold (in this heat...really???) and so to put it mildly I wasn't flattered. At all. He LOVES to play with my hair which, to be honest, melts my heart most of the time, because who wouldn't love little fingers running through your hair? But when the running fingers turn into yanking fingers when you don't feel well and all you want to do is sleep...well. Not only did my heart not melt. It froze. Krkrkrkr. So after a few hours of trying to pretend I was dosing while Luka tugged on my hair, I gave up, got up and made breakfast. And I'll admit, a few tears dropped into the lemon poppy seed pancake batter. I was thinking how anti my fluffy, happy, perfect idea of what mother's day should look like this morning was turning out but then I giggled to myself at how actually perfect it was. It was perfect because it was real. What is mother's day all about anyway? It is setting aside one day to honor and recognized the women of this world who sacrifice, time, sleep, sanity, strength, effort, work, self, peace, quiet and so many other things I can't even begin to list because it makes my brain hurt to think about it all. I realized that this year, and probably many more years to come, my mother's day will most likely not be all fluff and stuff. That will come later, if the Lord is willing that my life be a long one, when Luka and hopefully the other children we would love to have will call me from afar and tell me "Thanks for letting me play with your hair in the mornings mamma, and for being the best mom in the whole world always and forever." Then I'll smile and feel elated and probably forget all of the little "sacrifices" that were made daily, for the sake of raising a Wee One into a tall, strong, handsome man of God. That is what I hope and pray for, anyway.
Luka redeemed himself later though. Big time. We packed a refreshing lunch and took off for one of our favorite beaches. We spread out a sheet on the grass under long rows of palm trees and ate while feeling a nice ocean breeze ruffle around us. Luka was piddling around trying to get into anything he could while Jason and I were contentedly chatting away. All of the sudden Luka turned to me and gave me a huge hug and a long slobbery kiss. When he pulled away he had the sweetest, sheepish, deep dimpled grin I've ever seen on his face. My frozen heart thawed out and melted in a record breaking split second and all was right with the world again. I truly love being his Mamma. So, a happy mother's day indeed.

Looking at the ocean

There was a crab scurrying around under the grass

My present! A new pair of African love birds The male (Tiki) is green with an orange chest and beak, and the female (Taka) is blue and has a white beak

They are still very shy but have been slowly getting more confident about peeking out at us from their hiding tunnel.



Dad said...

What a GREAT mom!!!!!


An Admiring Dad

Jaime Lee said...

I can totally relate to your mothers day girl! What a beautiful outlook you have~

Chela said...

Dad, I learned form GREAT parents. P.s. You get to enjoy Mom's present too. = )

Jaime...sigh. Haha.