Saturday, April 10, 2010


Electricity is expensive here, approximately four times more than what most of you normally pay. That would explain why whenever time and sunshine are in perfect unity in my day, I line dry our clothes. They may end up a bit stiff and smelling like whatever the neighbors cooked for lunch, but hey, it saves more than pennies.

The birds, however, those pesky birds, are out to get me. This is what I discovered while plucking the laundry off the line. Splat. Urghrgh! There was probably a bet going on for whoever scored a shirt. The winnings? The revelation of a secret stash of seeds and prime nest realty. Somebody scored big time. *Grumbling (well, laughing at the irony, really) on my way to toss the shirt back in the hamper....


Jaime Lee said...

soo funny..but frustating no doubt in the moment. While we were at fogata Jed got hit right on the forehead by a not so lovely splat!!