Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Visit

I looked up while sweeping the floor to find two sets of curious little eyes peering at me expectantly. "Y Luka?", they asked. (Where's Luka?) The munchkins posing the question were Breiner and Kendall, two little neighbors of ours that are four years old. By asking, "Where's Luka?", what they really meant was: "Can we come in and play with all of Luka's toys? Please? Please please please? We'll look cute, we promise. Even cute enough for you to take pictures and put them on your blog." Yeah. That's what they really meant. And so of course, I invited them in. They had a blast rummaging through his toy box and trying to destroy everything they could get their paws on. They were really sweet to Luka, including him somewhat gently in whatever game was popular at the moment. The highlight of the visit (for me) was the moment Kendall told Breiner, "You punch the lion while I play the music." Ha haa! Kids! I love them.

After a while, Luka learned to watch from a safe distance. Heh.

His latest obsession. His new orange throne. The moment hes sees it, he beelines his way over and the fun begins.


Papo said...

That's just about how I feel at the end of the day...ready to plop down in my chair. Get in the routine early in life, Luka. It will really pay off when you get married. 8>)
