Thursday, April 01, 2010

Dad's day off

Jason has been doing an excellent job at the cafe. Because the cafe is so new, we have to run it ourselves for now, and so Jason spends pretty much all day there, from 9:00 - 7:00, with a lunch break in between. You know, for balance and so that Luka doesn't forget that he has a dad...Just kidding! The kid couldn't adore his Papi any more! Some nights he watches the door waiting for Jason to come home. It's so cute. One night he heard something outside and wobbled over to the door and starting yelling for Jason. When Jason didn't appear, he made his protests loud and clear, with an accusing look in my direction. Hmph.
Sunday is our closed day. Many of you may be familiar with Jason's passionate distaste for l' beach. Somehow I managed to talk him into going this past Sunday, so that he could see how much Luka enjoys getting gritty. The Wee One loves the beach, especially the ocean part and has no qualms about running towards the waves. At one point a tiny wave knocked him flat on his back and he just laid there and looked up at me like, "Whoa." I picked him up and he ran right back to the waves. Gotta keep a sharp eye on this one, let me type ya.
I like Sundays. I like Jason. I like being with him. Happy birthday week mi amor!


Unknown said...

Too cute! Did Luka lose his swimsuit or are there new dress codes around there? haha

Happy Birthday to Jason and we hope y'all have a wonderful, blessed Easter. Maybe you'll get a little time to relax!
Love, Ms. Ann

Mom T. said...

Qué profunda la última foto! El hijo siguiendo los pasos de los padres...or maybe it should read, "We're all in this together!"
When I see your wonderful photos and read your delightful writing, Sarita Linda, I feel (almost) like I'm there with you, along with my heart...memories of spring break last year when Luka was brand spankin' new....Come to think of it, he hasn't changed too much in the area of brand spankin' nude! Happy birthday, Jason! You've been a fantastic addition to our family. We love you so much!!!