Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Freedom of Assumption

When enough time passes where you check to see if "Sarah has posted anything new" for the umpteenth time, and I haven't, you have my permission to assume that I have been busy. May it be the only thing you consider yourself free to assume, however, because assumptions are like thin ice, as all marriages, businesses, and any living human being knows...the further you go out on them, the closer you are to crashing through to icy destruction. Haha.

And now that I am off my scruffy little soap box, let's get back to the point. I've been busy! Busy trying to make Jason's birthday a memorable and special one. Busy wiping flour off my nose from kneading and baking unleavened bread for a passover dinner we hosted at the café. Busy trying to go behind Jason's back to throw him a surprise game night party with our friends (making his favorite cake for that and hiding it from him was a big fiasco, let me tell you, especially when you consider the ant invasions we get every two minutes). Busy having a staff meeting week for the refuge ( Busy watching my loved, loved, LOVED son and feeling my heart melt all the way down to my toes. They get tingly when that happens. Busy admiring the man I am privileged to live with and love with for the rest of my life. Busy busy busy. But happy. And tired. And all that stuff.


Mo said...

Well, the wait was worth it. The blogs are so good they whet my appetite for more. What a great idea--to have a passover meal at the café. Wonderful way to share the truth of Christ Jesus.
Anytime you want to give up a little more sleep and throw in another photo of Luka, just go right ahead!
Love ya'll!