Thursday, April 22, 2010

Just like Papi

Luka is beginning to deliberately imitate people. Especially Jason. I am enjoying this personal little show I get to watch for free every day...front row seats and all. He cracks me up and you can imagine how Jason eggs him on. Where does that phrase come from anyway? Eggs him on? If anyone knows, feel free to enlighten us in the comment section below this post. Moving past my sidetracked thoughts, these two, Jason and Luka, can sure make a girl laugh in delight. One night Luka spotted a gecko scurrying across the wall. He jump up, pointed at it and said, "Uuuuu!" Of course we thought that was pretty funny, so we pointed out all of the geckos we could see. Now he and Jason point to anything or nothing and say "Uuuuuu" as excitedly as they can. Poor Luka all led astray. He thinks a blank wall is exciting now. Fine by me.

I tip my hat to you Ma'am


Unknown said...

We laughed out loud at these! What a ham!

Mama T. said...

"To egg on" comes from the Shakespearian stage, when actors who forgot their lines were encouraged to learn them better by having rotten eggs thrown at them."

Uh, anyone for a game of Balderdash?