Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday Out

I know I said rain was here, but it must have been joking because heat has run it off. Heat. She is a powerful thing and can run many things off, including us. To a waterfall. To cool down. Because oy, it's hot! Yesterday we rounded up a few friends and took off for our favorite waterfall. Jason, of course, opted to enjoy the cool breeze and shade, which left me as the parent to brave the icy waterfall for Luka. We slowly inched our way in and soon were splashing around. After several goose bumps and blue lips for Luka, we called it quits and headed back home. Cool and refreshed. Praise God for beautiful places to enjoy!

Didier and Emily. I think she looks like a Mayan princess.

Naara and Ilán. We called this the Jew Baby picture because they both have Hebrew names..

Naara and her daddy, our good friend Sergio...who was obviously the one her dressed her for the trip. He couldn't find her bathing suit bottoms, so training pants it was. Haha.

Fanny next to me and Diego and Emily in the back. Luka thought this was the greatest.

Blue lips. Time to go!


Jaime Lee said...

what precious photos! I love the first one it looks like a post card! The one of you holding Luka up is so sweet too. We are sooo hot too. But in less than a week will be living in a much cooler place :)

Unknown said...

I love these pictures! Wish I was there to play in the waterfall with Luka too! He doesn't seem to mind the cold water, does he?Give him a big kiss for Big Guy and me!