Thursday, April 15, 2010


This picture sums up well what my week has been like. I'm not complaining or anything....just keeping it real for those of you out there who are looking forward to having a sweet smelling snuggley soft baby of your own one day. Some days, some weeks, are tough. This week for us has been one of the toughest so far. It all started with squirty diapers. Then fever. Then fussing. Then lethargy. Then a throw up. Then frequent squirties. Then the hospital. We weren't really worried. Just making sure he wasn't getting dehydrated because we could not get the boy to take in any food or water at all. The doc said he had no bacteria and was very healthy but most likely had a stomach virus. We attempted force feeding him his medicine but soon gave up when it became more like torture (and he usually loves medicine) and when we saw that the fever was completely gone and the squirties were diminishing. Besides, I was getting a little Momma gut feeling that he didn't have a stomach virus. More like an EXTREME case of teething. His gums were getting swollen at a certain premolar area and all the symptoms matched up. The the last few days have consisted of Luka crying all of the time, not knowing what he wants, and definitely not being happy with being put down on the ground or anything about life in general. My back and neck say ouch. Poor little buddy. When I start getting exasperated or simply just wiped out, I try to remind myself that if I were feeling that way, I would probably not be very fun to be around either. Yesterday I was in no shape to write this post. It might have all been in capital letters with a haggard tone...ok, maybe even a very not-happy-tone. That is why I wrote it today. Because Praise God he is doing BETTER! Sigh.


Jaime Lee said...

Pobrecita, I am sorry you had a tough week!

Mo-ma said...

Poor little buddy. We hope he's all better by now.