Monday, May 24, 2010

Heads up

Well folks, now is the time...that you will see fewer and fewer post. Don't cry just yet. I'll be back full force again. But for the next few weeks and months we will be having teams come down again to stay at the Refuge who will also minister in the community, and considering we have no power and limited (as in one vehicle for lots of people) transportation, well, lets just say I will be busy. I'll do my best to post. I promise. So Thompson and Smith Moms and Dads, you may not want to check the blog every day. Your heart may just sink a little when you come to get glimpses of your grandson and don't find any. So to make up for future lost time, I am posting 20, yes, 20 pictures of Luka. These are pictures that I took a few weeks ago which we used to make the grandmas a bragging book with for mother's day. I L-O-V-E my new camera. Can't you tell?

Hee hee. This picture cracks me up! His teeth...hah.


grace said...

sarah. en serio, en serio, enjename como tomar fotos. que buenisimas pics!! bellisimas!!!!! y uds, digamos!!!!!!! love u.

Chela said...

Ay asaber vo. I just point and shoot. Y despues un poquito de photoshopping para resaltar los colores. Haha

Emmm. En serio, en serio, no se what I'm doing so, para que sepas que mis consejos no son para nada profesionales. Solo te peudo decir lo que you intento hacer.

- look for interesting backgrounds and colors to include in the shot.

- mové el lens hasta que se llene solo de los detalles que te interesan. Lo demas dejalo afuera.

- Look for angles that capture the details that catch your attention and that show you a different perspective.

- a veces tenes que estar dispuesta a verte ridicula mientras tomas la foto, like agachandote and posiciones todas raras, o a veces hasta acostandote en el piso. Looks silly, pero vale la pena si capturaste un momento meaningful.

- props girl! sillas viajes, muros bonitos y cosas añejas.

-basically, anything that cathes your eye, take a pic! Jaja

Que conste que yo no je nadajn. XOXOX

Chela said...

***corrección: sillas viejas ***

Mo-ma said...

Thanks, Sarita. One of my most favorite pics is the one of Luka straddling the corner of the chair, lookin' like the cat that ate the canary. I also love the one in the hat, where Luka's looking down. What a cutie!
We'll miss the daily updates on Luka's exciting life, but we'll look forward to picking up on it again in a few weeks or more. Love you!!!
P.S. Doug and I think Luka looks sooooo much like Jason and Randy both, but once-in-a-while he reminds us a lot of Danny.

Chela said...

Hey Momma!

Those are two of my favorites too, but the one I like the most is the first one. It makes me laugh!

I think the same thing of Luka's look-a-likes. He is mostly a mini Jason, but when he smiles a certain way he looks like Mr. Randy. But some of the expressions he makes and his athletic pot-bellied build reminds me of Danny when he was a cute.