Friday, May 21, 2010

Laundry Luka

My son has quirks. Don't we all? Allow me to enlighten you about one of them. He loves playing with laundry. Dirty laundry, to be exact. I thought I was sorting through the dirty clothes, separating darks from brights, but apparently a monkey came through and mixed them all up again. On a typical day, Luka goes to the laundry room at the back of the house, sorts through the dirty luandry, and usually opts for undies (eww Luka!) soft t-shirts, or silky pajamas. Then he drapes them around his shoulders or pulls them over his head and walks around the house for long periods of time bonking into furniture because he can't see. The whole while he sports a goofy little smile that leads me to believe he is thoroughly enjoying himself and that "No momma, you shouldn't worry yourself about me, this is my thing and I like it." Well then. Okay. If dirty laundry is your thing then have at it. Please, just don't leave my bras strewn around the house for visitors to see like I did when I was a baby. I shouldn't have to reap what I sowed because I didn't know any better. But you do because I'm telling you and I know you understand me because the other day I told you no, not to eat the discarded sunflower seed shell that Tiki left on the ground and you didn't. So please don't leave my polka dot undies on the coffee table either. Thankyouverymucho.

His selection

Why did we ever get toys for him?

Ugh! There is no money in these pockets!
(Usch! No hay nada de pisto aqui!!!)


Papo said...

Which just goes to show that nearly all boys are dirtbags...soil, scuzz, mud, slime, cement, cobwebs, fish guts, worm innards, and, of course, dirty laundry. Some are truly dirtier than others, and gleaning from your blogs, Luka is learning to be a true boy very quickly. Go show 'em Smudgeface!!

Love, Papo

Chela said...

I like that he is all-boy. I like a little manly man! Like his Daddy. And Like my Daddy. = )