Friday, May 14, 2010

Interview with the Wee

The following is an interview we had with Luka this evening. Enjoy!


J Yale said...

he's a little man!

Chela said...

I know! Where did my little baby go? We are having fun with our little man though, and he's still cuddly so I get to enjoy that for a little while longer. = )

Mo-ma said...

This had us roaring with laughter! What a doll! And sooooooo smart!

Papo said...

OH, NO!! Another politician that can talk your ears of and say nothing. I can see it now..."Welcome our new Teapublicrat senator from Louisiana, Luka Leon Smith. and what was that you said, Senator? Oh, yes, yes; of course". Does anyone here have the gift of intepretation of tongues?"

I sure would love to know what he is really thinking. Hey! Maybe he is looking to replace the E-Trade kid on the commercials. Luka would do a much better job, of course. You go Kid!

Won't be long until we will be able to understand him...then look out Ma and Pa!! Quick! Hide the keys!!

Love, Papo

Marisha said...

A brother or a sister huh? Are you trying to tell us something!?! :)

Chela said...

Thanks for the comments Dad! You always keep them funny. = )

Marisha: No we are not trying to tell you anything other than just simply asking Luka if he would like a sibling. What he said was that it could wait for a little while longer because he really likes my blog being all about him. = ) Haha.