Thursday, May 13, 2010

Watch out for the guacamole trees!

Once upon a time six years ago, I found myself in Quito, Ecuador on a mission trip, climbing into the back of a truck. We were a team and we were on our way to spend some time with very, very poor children. The truck was parked under a tree that had green fruit (yes, it is considered a fruit). All of the sudden, one of the team members blurted out the following spacey sentences: Y'all watch out for those guacamole trees! Last year one of the guacamoles fell and hit my husband's eye and it hurt him real bad." Hgamm. Yes. Well.

Beside our house there is a large avocado tree which is delivering deliciousness every day right into my kitchen. Yummmm. Guacamole anyone? Let's just say we have been dipping into a lot of guacamole lately and no, we are not tired of it. So far avocados have found themselves in our sandwiches, sliced on our plates, cubed into our salads, or mashed onto our tortilla chips. Here is how I make guacamole. I'm sure there are much better recipes out there, but this is how I make it and how I like it.

lemon juice
little squirt of Mayonnaise

Mash avocados but not too creamy
add dash of salt to taste
add coarsely chopped cilantro
squeeze in lemon juice to taste (I like to give it a good zing)
add just a tad of mayo if it needs creaminess

Viola! Nice, fresh avocado...I mean, guacamole. = )


Unknown said...

Sarah, your quacamole is absolutely delicious! Mr. Randy and I would love to be there to share it with y'all! Thanks for putting the recipe on the blog. I had forgotten the cilantro. I made some not long ago and put Tony's in it--made it spicy and good. We're headed to Jill's in the morning--we'll call y'all later.
Love, Ms.Ann

Mama T. said...

Oh, the simple yet profound joys of Latin American life!

Chela said...

Momma, I know! I love that I can go pick them right off the tree and look forward to them being ripe for the eating the next day. Simple, lovely and FREE!

Mrs. Ann,

Remember all of the guacamole we ate when Luka was born! I'm surprised we didn't turn green. = )

For those of you who like tomatoes, you can chop and add some of those for more flavor and texture. I do not like tomatoes, therefore they are not in my recipe.

Marisha said...

I'm trying very hard not to be jealous but its hard when I go to the store and pay $1 for 1 avocado :( But I'll keep trying :) It looks sooo YUMMY!

Chela said...

If it gives you any consolation Sha Sha, this is seasonal and lasts too short of a while in my opinion. After the last avocado falls, I have to trek to the store and pay insane prices for little tiny things that try to call themselves avocados. I wish I could send some your way!