Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Resolutions Inspection

Remember my suggestions for 2010? I want to add one more and so I thought that while I am at it I might go over the old ones to see how I am doing so far.

  • leave about three bites of food on my plate for every meal * Well...I remember that one about one time a week...or two. But I will say this. For all of the food Luka begs off of my personal plate, I think it ends up being about three big bites. So this one scores a -C.
  • smile more. even when I'm alone and remember something smile worthy * check
  • give at least three hugs a day * I share at least two with Jason, and Luka is giving the best hugs now so....yes. Successful.
  • exercise twice a week * I think I am most excited about this one. I am happy to say that I am slowly but surely getting back into my running routine that I so much loved when I was in college. We all know I need it because boy is my silhouette nothing like what it was when Jason married. And let's be honest. That isn't fair to him. Anyway. I am running about four times a week now. I don't see many results yet, but my legs are much stronger and the results will come with time. So patience, endurance and perseverance are my prayers. Check, check check!
  • listen to at least one song per day * I haven't even thought about this once.
  • eat a piece of fruit a day. i love fruit.* It's not a daily habit yet. But I do eat a good bit of fruit.

And my new resolution...Are you ready? It's not a big one, but a fun one. I will try to respond to your comments when appropriate. I already have on the last two post. So feel encouraged to post often, because it may turn into our own little blog conversation.



Jaime Lee said...

you go girl, sounds like you are off to a good start!

Chela said...

some days it's just so HOT to be running, but i go anyway. bleeeeh. Haha

Mama T. said...


Be sure to see the comment I added today on Rupert's column:-).

Mama T.