Friday, May 28, 2010

some like it cold...

Every once in a while we get one of thooose days. You know. One of those days in a parent's life where if you hear one more "aeaeagh" out of your Wee One you think you might just rather bang your head against a stone wall for hours on end. No matter how many smiles, how many attempts of provoking a giggle, how many "Can you be sweets?", how many games, distracting toys, walks outdoors, goofy faces, silly songs, dancing around like a fool, offering treats, stern faces, "Please stops", "Okay that's enough nows", tickles, bouncing, flouncing tries at making the child happy, you may just maybe get this face in return...many many times. Or perhaps all day long.

God please help me!







Welcome to a part of my world.

p.s. Christian, who commented on "Luka Leon": Welcome to the blog and thank you for following our journey! Out of sheer curiosity, how did you find this little corner of the www?


Jodi Kendall said...

ha! the sound effect texts are hilarious. so cute.

Dad said...

Dear Daughter,

You have just learned a very important lesson in intergender relationships...GUYS HAVE RADICAL MOOD SWINGS, TOO!! Oops! Forgot. You're married, so you know this already by now (No offense, Jason 8>). However, betcha didn't know it started at such an early age, huh?

Chela said...

Thanks Passport! Just trying to describe how it really sounds.


I don't know what I think I know, I just know I don't like it. At least not all day long, for goodness sake. Buuut, it makes for a good blog post and future opportunities to tell Luka how he must know I love him for putting up with such treatment all those years....tsk tsk. That boy!