Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Wee's journey begins

Behold, I got the afternoon off and I am taking this time to post. I know, right? Here I have been telling you I would not post, I would not post, and yet you looked anyway, and I posted! Just goes to show how unpredictable even the things predicted can be on this here blog.
The Wee has begun his journey...of wandering. Once upon a time one month ago, I could let Luka play for hours on the porch, an area well controlled of harmful items and in which he knew well his boundaries. We had an arrangement, the Wee and I. He would toddle around the porch, staring at the chickens that clucked by or digging around in the potted plants, while I dashed around between the house and the porch doing the usual house/toy pickups or whatever little house wifey things I do. Always checking on him every few seconds, of course, so don't panic. I never had to worry about him leaving the porch, because he never did. Until once upon a time two weeks ago when things got quiet and I called his name....nothing. I called again....nothing...hmmmm. So I ran outside only to discover that the Wee had disregarded our arrangement and decided his journey of exploration had officially begun. He was all the way across the lawn headed decidedly to the neighbors house and there was nothing to going to stop his plan....not even my "Luuukaaaaaa." Was he really being neighborly? Nope. No. He looked at the neighbor, wobbled right past him without so much as a "badaldadusch" and went straight for the neighbor baby's bright green bounce ball. He promptly picked it up and wobbled back. Passed me without so much as a "madostoow" , dropped the ball and headed down the road, for as far as I would allow him. When I caught up to him and turned him back in the direction of our home, he spun right around me and headed back down the road. Only this time his friend Breiner joined him.

Ah, Wee One. There is no rest for the now weary. I have not stopped following him around since. My poor eyes, and feet and soul....


Dad said...

Yes, and before you know it he will be walking our on his own with his bride of choice just like Jason did with you. If we don't get to communicate much, according to the owner's recent blogs...

Happy Anniversary!! June 10th isn't it? Hope you aren't working too much to slip away for a glorious time together...and without wandering Little Snort. 8>}
Love, Dad

Chela said...

Thanks Dad! We are not sure what we will do to celebrate yet, or if there will be a good opportunity to do so. I'm sure we'll at least figure out a way to go someplace nice to eat. Exotica maybe? Haven;t been there in a while.... = |