Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hello. Goodbye.

I will be on the mountain tonight without the Wee One (FREEEEEE!!!!!!!) who will be under the awesome care of his larger photocopy. Mah boys get some one on one time and I wish I could be a fly on the wall to watch that progression, but I wouldn't trade one break night to be a fly. No sirree. I'll remain my freshly self manicured self and sleep sound,y. G'night!


Mama T. said...

Well, now I know why you weren't able to receive our call after we found out the results of the vote--TA DAAAAA! and praise to the Lord!!! We'll be starting officially at Grace Baptist Church July 1st!

Sarah, when you surprised us with your call right during the Q & A session and said you "highly recommended Dad for that pastorate", it was great and the people got a kick out of it. It helped them see another side of Dad! We're so happy--you can imagine!!!! Have a fun fingernail painting time with all the gals!

Mama T. said...

P.S. Sarah, in the Moody Bible Institute Literature course I'm taking on-line this summer, I learned several reasons "why we need literature in our lives." The course supplement book states, "Literature gives form to our own feelings and experiences and beliefs...The writer is our representative, saying what we want said, only saying it better, perhaps, than we can."
Your writing is some of my favorite "literature", and I'm so thankful God has gifted you with the ability to put into words things that took Doug and me many years to even understand. And,yes, love can be blissful,if one humbly strives long enough to learn to truly love. In the words of Grandma Hover on the event of our engagement, "AIN'T LOVE GRAND?!!"

Chela said...

Congratulations Momma and Dad! I'm glad I could help. I actually thought it was kind of crazy that you answered my call in the middle of your interview, but I guess it played out to your advantage. = ) I am very happy for you guys!