Friday, July 09, 2010

Point and shoot...well, sort of.

I have been trying my hand at Photography. The confession I have to make is that I know absolutely nothing about what I am doing, as far as what all of the bells and whistles are on my camera. Some gracious, real photographers have tried to give me some pointers, and while I smile and pretend I have total comprehension of what they're saying and and that I understand what an ISO something something is, all I really know is to point and shoot. I look for an interesting angle, one that attempts to capture the real story, and click. A little bit of tweaking with iphoto and viola! A picture. Here are some bits and pieces of three different shoots I have done.

Tready and Rebbeca's Engagement

The Carty Family at their Fun and Best

Tready and Becca Become One

Jason took this picture. It's one of my favorites!




Mama T. said...

Ooh, la la!! Great shoots, Sarah (and Jason)! I especially love the one of the rings in the lily. Just curious--What was Becca doing at Tready's feet?

Dad said...

Well, Kid, not too bad for a white, Latina hondureña!! Just what you need...another job, hee hee!! Really good work. Who needs to know all the bells and whistles. These days you just point and click.

Love, Dad

Chela said...

She was checking to make sure he didn't have any toe jam. It's a pet peeve of hers. Just kiddinggg! They washed each others' feet and I really liked how her dress looked in this picture, and so I posted it.

I did all this work for free, but got a tip for the wedding, which helped me pay for my ticket to Danny's wedding! So even though time and energy are scarce these days, it was worth it. Gave me a little experience too. = )

Jaime Lee said...

Wow you are so incredibly gifted at creative shots!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah & Jason,

Thanks for sharing the pictures. Ronnie and I keep up with you and Jason via the blog.
Ronnie said to tell you these pictures are good. He also said to learn to use the camera you'll be great and love it. Take a look at some of his pictures on
We recently got back from a wonderful 10 day trip to Israel. We think of you often and pray for your continued blessings.

Ronnie & Alice

Chela said...

Alice!!! I have been dying to write you but didn't have your e-mail address and never think about when Jason is around to get it from him. How are you doing?! What I wanted to tell you is that we miss you so much, are continually grateful for all of your help in getting the cafe started (it is flourishing, praise God!) and that Luka is big enough to wear the outfits you gave him. he looks adorable in them! So so cute.

Please tell Ronnie that the little that I do know about the camera is due to his patient teaching, and that i really, really appreciate all he taught me. I also like the settings he left on the camera. I haven't changed them and don't plan on doing so because I have gotten used to how it works that way. Please tell him I said thank you!

We love you guys and are blessed by your friendship.


p.s. I can make a mean roux now! It's delicious, thanks to your tutelage. = )