Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Don't cry over spilled...

...vinegar? So far Luka has made huge messes out of a FULL bottle of olive oil, a carton of 18 eggs, at least two whole rolls of toilet paper (and he's well into his 3rd) torn up bags of tea, sticking his hands down his dirty diaper, finger nail polish, and the truth is...more than I even want to remember...And now? Yes now. He has added a full bottle of very expensive delicious tasting balsamic vinegar to his mess list. I cannot for the life of me remember where we got that vinegar, other than to remember that someone gave it to us. I cherished it. I rationed it. And now it's gone...down the drain after being sopped up with a towel, washed down by a rag, scooted across under the shelf it seeped under, and scrubbed some more. Jason came home minutes after it happened and said while walking towards the kitchen, "Dinner smells awesome." It was the vinegar. Yes, it was so awesome that it smelled heavenly. It was. Was. Sigh.

What Ma? It's just stinky 'ole vinegar?

And in other news, the morning I was going to take Luka to the local clinic to get his 1 year and three months vaccines, he woke up in such a "cheerful" mood that I canceled my plans. He was teething and he was grumpy, and there was no way I was going to subject him to five horrible shots. Well, apparently, there was a way. And this is how it went:

A few days earlier I had called the clinic to make an appointment for the shots. The man that answered assured me that I needed no appointment and simply needed to show up. I never said my name. I never said Luka's name. He recognized my voice (sound like we live in a small town?) and proceeded to tell the nurse man that Luka needed his vaccines. So, the morning that I was in no way going to take Luka to the clinic, the clinic came to me. We were enjoying a pleasant breakfast on our porch, when the nurse man showed up, on his motorcycle no less, with a cooler full of shots. He said, "Is this Luka's house?" My heart sank at the sight of him for Luka's poor little sake. There was no escaping the shots now.

Just another day in the jungle, folks...where nurses show up at your doorstep, uninvited, to administer pain and terror in Wee little Ones.

After the first shot, it took me, the nurse and Jason to hold Luka down.

Awww. Look at the tears...poor little guy. = (


Papo said...

Well, let's see now...vinegar, olive oil...I know, buy the kid a salad making set...you know, bowls, tossing tongs, salt shaker etc. He doesn't need knives or any such instrument, because he already knows how to rip things apart. Get him a nice head of lettuce, some romaine, tomatoes, some boiled eggs, shredded cheese and put Chef Luka (alias, Kitchen Kid) to work. Channel these activities, Mommy!! 8>)

Looks to me like a sucker will heal any bad vibes between a shot nurse and the Waaaa, excuse me, the Wee. Personally, I would like a house-calling hot tub nurse, you know, one who pulls up in your driveway with his truck and nice two-seater, water hot and bubbling away, and just Mom and me soaking away the age aches. Followed by a deep massage and finally, the sucker. I could go for that!!

Love, Papo

J Yale said...

Sweet baby! Poor guy getting his shots. I hate when AK gets hers but gotta do it! Sounds like he's keeping you busy haha. I spilt a whole bottle of maranade in my pantry and it took me 2 hours to get it totally clean! what a pain to clean up. Give Luka a kiss for me! love ya

Unknown said...

I'm feeling sorry for him! I hope he's not feeling too grumpy after all of that! I'm sure his mess was "fun" to clean up. Another day with a very busy and curious toddler!