Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I am in sweltering noon heat and I am cold. Sometimes shivering and always tugging at the sheets around me. My head feels like it is a large rock that wants to fall over anywhere I am for a rest. My eyes feel like they need to be removed and there must have been dozens of butterflies that hatched out of their cocoons in my stomach overnight. My skin wants contact with absolutely nothing, but if appeased, I get old. All I want is some fruit and my Mamma to stroke my hair and tell me she'll take care of me. Yes. I have strep. It has been going around slowly. I thought I had escaped the beast, since all of the people I know that have gotten it have been over it for a little while now. But last night I knew. I was getting sick and it was coming fast and it was going to be bad.

Jason has been awesome. This morning he had to go work the café and suggested I take Luka to a nanny and get some meds from the pharmacy. The problem with that plan is it meant i had to make breakfast for Luka, feed, him, change him and lift him. A lot. I tried and failed and all it took was a phone call and Jason got someone else to run the café so that he could take care of Luka. These are the moments in life that it would be nice to have family close by to call on for help. Welp. I guess that is one of the sacrifices we face as missionaries.

I know I'll get better, but please pray for me because we have our last team coming in on Friday and there is a lot of prep work that I am a part of and I am supposed to be heading up the kitchen for when they are here. Strep for dessert, anyone?


Momma T. said...

Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. I,too, wish I could be there to give you a momma's care. Thank you, Jason, for being such a good man and husband for Sarah. I'm praying you and Luka won't get sick if you haven't already. Sarah, we'll put you on the church's prayer list tonight, and that you'll be able to get up and work for the Friday group arriving, or that the Father will send some unexpected help for you.
I KNOW He answers prayer, because my oldest cousin, age 84, for whom we had prayed for many decades,and who was very resistant to hearing about salvation, finally opened his heart to the Lord and was saved the week he died. Out of all Grandma Hoover Hover's extended family, only 3 other cousins don't know the Lord--pray for them. (The funeral was in Evansville.) The Lord saved his 2 daughters as teens, and the one who is still alive is passionately evangelistic. She tenaciously prayed until Cousin Eddie was ready to die. I had the best time at the funeral, rejoicing with many fine Christians. Eddie was like a brother to my mom, and she'd always grieved over his spiritual condition. God is sooo good!

Momma T. said...

Are you feeling better yet? I hope you either have help for the new group coming in, or that you've gotten over your malady.

Hanzi said...

Pubresita .........
Estare orando por ti para que comienses a sentirte mejor.
Espero que el malestar este disminullendo.
ya sabes que atenciones espesiales estaria dandote.
Un abrazo y besote grande de tu hermana

Dad said...

Bummer, Sweetie!!! You are in our prayers. I'm glad you are feeling better, and hope you don't have to pass it along to others.

Love ya,
