Friday, September 10, 2010


Well, ahm. So much for promising pictures soon. The trouble is, I don't know how to download them onto my parents' computer and can't edit them to my desired effect. So, dearest friend, reader, family, you will have to wait. But not too long. I am bittersweetly able to say that I will be home late Monday night and will try my utmost best to post my pictures sometime on Tuesday. But my fingers are crossed on that one.

For now you can endure my musings. Luka is teething. Way too many teeth are coming in at once, in my opinion. Let's just say the past couple of days have been...challenging. He has been screaming during his "nap time" for the past ten minutes and my nerves are being grated as I type. I joked to my sister-in-law Marisha the other day that I am a great mom when Luka is being a good, sweet happy baby. When he is not, however, picture me as someone resembling a bit of Cruella Deville, sans the black and white hair. Although it may turn white sometime soon. I don't do well with screams. It is a fact of my life and I am trying very hard to remain calm, joyful and peaceful during those moments. Is that even possible? Can someone out there please encourage me and tell me that it has happened to them? But only if it has really happened to you. Don't just say it to make me feel good. If it's not possible than that will make me feel a lot better too, because then I will know that I am just a plain old human being with faults that are normal. Sigh. I am asking God to do a work in me and to build up patience into my heart. Oh how I wish he would hurry! Hah.

Well, I can't imagine you came here wishing to hear a frazzled mother dish about the daily struggles of parenting, so I will bid you adieu and wish you a scream free, beautiful day. Ta ta now.


Mama T. said...

Yes, dear Sarah, I have had many opportunities to experience babies' gave me lots of practice, being quite as determined then as you are now. 8>) I was determined to "win" the battle and get you to go to sleep when it was late and all your needs were met. But, alas, you would not, and after an hour of screaming, you got your way. (I never could get you to sleep until the whole house was quiet and nothing else exciting was happening to anyone.) Not to minimize your frustration...I used to think I should be the one crying, not little Markitos, when I knew all his needs were met, but he couldn't seem to calm down. No doubt, one day Luka will be writing about his little son's screaming, even when there's nothing wrong with him!
Loving you--and proud of the GREAT job you're doing mothering our first grandson!--Mom T.

tia tessa said...

How can you say something better than what your mom just said? (love you, mrs. debbie!!!! - such an inspiration!) We have shared our stories and you have helped me when I have been the one with mommy-crisis! Ha ha! What to do? Follow your instincts and if it helps, go back to his room and cradle him. Sometimes all they need is mommy-love. When it happens to TI, I forget what books say and I grab my baby and cradle her to sleep. It works for the both of you. I love you... and yes, you are a normal, however extraordinary mom!

tessa said...

oh... and I forgot; cold celery is THE best natural teether for babies. Just make sure it is organic (celery absorbs pesticides very well) & ice-cold! Love!

Chela said...

Thanks Mom and Tess! YOU both are an inspiration and an encouragement. Just wait till you hear what happened to us in the airport...just wait. It gets better....>= ]

Papo said...



Chela said...

We miss sharing those moments with you Dad! It was a lot of fun, no? Sink me, I wish we could be there still.

Mellie said...

Kate was a screamer....three months of screaming from the time the sun went down until it came back up in the's a wonder I'm not in jail! I didn't know what to do then, and I still couldn't tell you what to do to make her stop, but I've discovered that ear plugs (the spongy kind you twist and put into your ear) go VERY far in taking the edge off a kid's scream. And a clown nose (the sponge kind, again) goes even FARTHER in helping you keep your good humor. It's very difficult to be crabby while wearing a clown nose. :) I learned this from Ed (he keeps one in the car to insulate him from road rage). I'm not good with screaming, either, and can't just ignore it. I absolutely MUST do something silly and outrageous to counter it or I'm gonna just give in and MAKE IT STOP! When you can smile without actually gritting your teeth, you know you've conquered!