Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Why get cold feet when you can get wet feet?

Soon I will post about the great time we had with Mrs. Ann, or Mimi, if you will. Before I get to that, though, here is a view from above of what our feet encounter most days when walking to or from the internet cafe or anywhere else we head off to. I must add that those were the best $17 I ever spent on footwear, for the boots I mean. They have changed my overall attitude about the rainy season and have given me "wings" to fly out of the house when I otherwise would not. Also, this year for the first time in four years I purchased an umbrella. What were we thinking, living in the rain forest for three years with no umbrella? Apparently we were not. Or maybe it was that our brains were too damp to think far enough ahead to buy one. Having a child quickly sets slacked details straight...

p.s. Click twice on the video if you want to see all sides of it. It will automatically take you to youtube where you can see it better.


Mama T. said...

Ha! Ha! This is great.

Ode to your boots:
This is a hoot!!
The dots look like rain,
So, leave your domain.

Walk where you like,
Go on a hike.
Be free and happy,
No more feeling sappy.

Chela said...

Nice rhyme mom.

You see,
you're a bit of a poet
and you did not know it.

Heather Lasley said...

Girl!! love the video!!GREAT GREAT!!!