Monday, August 27, 2007

Up up and awaaaaay!!!!

So off we go to a land that has not felt the pressure of my foot. It will be the first time in my life that I will find myself in a place where the language is not my own. I must admit that I am fidgety with excitement over the endless possibilities of newness, adventure, exotic food, looks, hearts, cultures, and most grand of all, the opportunity to share in the love and fellowship of Christ with brothers and sisters I didn't even know I had. Jason and I will be teaching at a youth camp and at an adult camp in Ukraine about world missions. The only word in Russian that I know is"Da", meaning "yes" and I have decided that before putting myself in compromising situations by agreeing to everything I need to learn how to say "I don't know Russian!" We will also be spending some days in the Middle East, doing what, I don't know but I'm sure good ole' Dave will give us the scoop once we get there. Please pray for our safety, health, as I have been very sick lately with way too many complications, and our hearts as we do our best to share what the Lord has done and is doing in our blessed lives. If we never make it back i love you all...JUST KIDDING!!!! But I do love you....


Anonymous said...

If dis is di lass gutbye den... an seeing jus in hevens leedle seester. Goo byes.

Anonymous said...

We're praying for you and Jason, Sarey, so thankful that God has honored you with this opportunity to bless others.