Wednesday, November 12, 2008

And the winner is....

After much confusion due to the fact that SOME of you could see the voting poll and used it, and OTHERS could not and left comments, I have added the votes up to the best of my feeble ability and determined that Week # 2 has decided to stay by one whole vote. Thank you thank you for doing your duty and voting. My dear readers. I love you. Aaaahhh. Now that we have overcome this mountain, on to new and exciting topics... the other morning when I went to the bathroom to put my contact lenses IN, but instead took the case and dumped them OUT and proceeded to wash the case. Err, err, err (sound of car breaking). "WHAT am I doing?!", I thought all of a sudden. I immediately plugged the sink only to find one contact lens stuck in the plug and could only imagine the other swirling happily down the drain. Phooey. Have I totally lost my marbles? Or my contact lenses for that matter? You must understand please. This kind of behavior is not at all frequent for me. Grrrr. I spent the morning dazed and confused (and blind) and so decided to read for a while. I was reading an excellent pregnancy book (Thanks Tio Coach, for the book!) and began reading symptoms for pregnant women at five was absentmindedness....I. Am. Vindicated.

LSU. LSU! What ARE you doing? What goes up, must come down. That seems to be the pattern for our beloved college football team, who proudly won the national championship last year and is spiraling into oblivion this year. How COULD you dear purple and gold? The good part is that we finally got to actually see a game. A new channel popped up on our cable that aired the game and so we decked ourselves in LSU spirit and watched. Only to slunk away afterward.

And now for the cream. Jason preached his VERY FIRST Spanish message last Sunday! I have never heard his Spanish flow so freely as it did that night, which is a great testament to God's empowerment, and I am very proud of my excelent husband. The best part is that the Lord really spoke to all of us through the message and we headed home, changed, challenged and encouraged. He spoke on seeking first the Kingdom of God. So how could you not be challenged by that? Just so you know, this new Spanish preacher has finally been able to feel his baby kick in his favorite woman's pooch.


Anonymous said...

eyaaaa Jason! I remember him and his questions concerning spanish rules, sometimes I would be like "it´s like that because that´s the way it is". LOL.

SMART GUY. Very proud of him!! Cute blog. Love you girl.