Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Attack of the Chimi.

You see this adorable serene feline? He is no more. At least not adorable. He is vicious, savage, and dangerous. Jason and I have been house sitting for some friends for several months now, and due to the fact that animals are in general destructive (as in they make holes in the window screens to get in the house and leave fur on the couches) we decided to leave Chimi the cat and Don Quijote the dog at our house under the great care of a friend who is staying in our house. She feeds them and makes sure they have what they need. Apparently, although Chimi has been well fed, without us in the house he feels he has no home, and therefore wanders the streets all day and night. He has basically become a well-fed alley cat. I did not know this! Now that we are finally home again I was excited to get some long lost Chimi lovin. As soon as I saw him I knew something was off…quite off. He was acting rather…strange, I thought. Twitching, walking jerky like and acting nervous. Hmmm….

So what happened while I was petting him to his great delight and purring capabilities? He turned around and BIT me! Bit my hand. Then I realized the place I had been petting him had a little scratch, so I figured it wasn’t a big deal since it had probably hurt him and he was warding me off. THEN, however, that night as we were a happy united family in the kitchen once again getting supper ready, you know the usual, Jason grating cheese (his best cooking skill) and Chimi hovering around waiting for morsels to fall on the floor. All of the sudden, he jumped up and attacked my leg! I mean attack in the sense that he dug all four fangs in my thigh and every claw around my leg…as deep as he could get them too…pain, pain, shock, pain, yelp! Ouch, pain, what? Blood started trickling everywhere, the cat disappeared to a good hiding place, Jason was sopping up blood, a neighbor who witnessed it all ran to get hydrogen peroxide, and I was just stunned. All this just five minutes before we were supposed to eat supper and go to church. What in the world is wrong with Chimi? Then again last night, he snuck into the house and I got a plate of food to take outside so he could eat. He ran up to me from about five feet away with the sole purpose of attacking my other leg! Which he did. I have scratches and bruises all over me now! And right before traveling to see our families and friends, when a girl wants most to look her best. Well, just expect to see me limping and scuffed up. What is so weird about all this is that I am Chimi’s favorite person, so for him to be so aggressive towards me is…odd. Needless to say, he is BANNED form the Smith house, which says a lot, because I love my cat, and it would really take my wits end to ban him. My wit is ended. He’s out. It’s kind of comical now. Whenever we need to go outside we take a broom with us to keep him off. Us two large humans are deathly afraid of a wee little cat. What? You would be too if you had seen his vicious ways!

Ok., seriously now, please pray for me because we are concerned about an infection. Obviously something is wrong with the cat, some sort of disease or something, which isn’t the best to be bitten with…WHEN YOU ARE PREGNANT! I have been nursing my wounds religiously though, and if anything starts to look questionable, I’ll seek medical help. Just another day in the wild jungle for me…civilization and Target….here. I. Come.


Anonymous said...

i say kill da cat!!! i have a cat too but i would never (and cannot) get rid of him... ja ja! plus I love him!!! Dan da cat.

Take care of yourself. It's either two things: or he went wild from living on the streets or he is just plain jealous (since you're pregnant). Deshacete de ese gato vos! Usch! Y el pelero que botan... guacala! Aqui te esperamos, el "gato" y yo! Bon Voyage!

Anonymous said...

Lo que te quiere decir ese gatito es que está listo pa la sopita. Sopa de Chimiloco. Mmmm, hasta suena rico!

Anonymous said...

Chimi Chupa...Ya descubrieron el primer GATO VAMPIRO. Rapido...busquen una estaca de madera y perforen el corazon de esa fantasma de dia y atacante de noche.

Luego, hay que destriparlo, rellenarlo con algodon y enviarlo al Museo de Transylvania...muajajajajaaaaa!

Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

BROOM? Girl, yo usaría un machete!!!!

No cats around mini Jason!!!

(cracking up at the comments de arriba, hahahaha!)

Anonymous said...

gracia, tu comentario me mata de la risa... ya me imagino vos haciendo tortillas y saliendo en chancletas verdes de hule con un machete a echarte el gato!!! Ja ja!! Pura tamalera! Ja ja!

Chela said...

The cat is now Chimichurri. Jejejeje Not really, but maybe one day we will be.