Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Give us this day…

…our daily egg, and forgive us for not giving it back to our neighbors. We have a new friend and her name is Freebie. She comes to our back porch laundry-like room and leaves a present for us every afternoon. An egg! One. Every day. She is not our chicken, but she has decided she likes our territory best and has settled into it nicely. Now, I’ll have you know that we have (of course!) offered the eggs to the chicken’s owners, but they said “Nah, just keep em.” Okey then. If you insist. Can’t get more free or organic than that. So now we have a free supply of seven eggs per week. Woop woop!

This weekend was bittersweet for us and Luka. As his beloved grandma Mimi left, his now beloved grandma Moma (pronounced moe-mah) arrived, all on the same day. Talk about a mixture of feelings! The Crawfish Baby has had his fair share of luvin, that’s for sure. Luka had his first trip and was a complete angel on the five hour ride to the capital and back. Basically he slept the whole way, which means not much sleep was had those nights, but we are slowly getting back into his neat little routine of sleeping and waking about every three to three and a half hours. Ooooh, if I could just have ONE night of uninterrupted sleep….sigh…sigh. It’s all worth it though. I’ll loose some sleep any day if it means I get to see my sweet boy give a huge goofy open-mouth grin! He’s so cute y’all! I mean it! He just really is.

Well, I’m gonna go see if I can catch a few Zz’s. Chances are as soon as I doze off I’ll be hearing some squeaks poke out from the monitor.

Mimi getting some last cuddles in before her flight home

Moma getting her first cuddles in

Lucky Baby

First doctor visit

Luka gets weighed

Ho hum. Getting weighed is boooring. What's next?

Going for an afternoon stroll

Luka makes a friend

Such a good Daddy!


tessa said...

Quita ese pollo de ahi vos! Mejor pone fotos de esa belleza que tenes! Estoy enamorada de Luka! Y vos poniendo una gallina! Ja ja! Foo, Luka es BELLO! Love ya three!

Moma said...

Oooh, have you ever seen such a sweet little baby as Luka? He's surrounded by so much love, he just has love and sweetness oozin' out all over him. And he's so agile, and so smart, and.......and.......and............

Moma (Grandma T.)